What is the Clay Field?

It is a flat wooden box filled with clay.   In a clay field session, children are invited to move the clay around in any way that they want.  There is a bowl of warm water and a sponge. The Clay Field is a sensorimotor, trauma-informed art as healing approach.

  The hands-on approach of Clay Field Therapy® helps children repair developmental setbacks in a safe somatosensory way. It is especially valuable for children who do not respond to cognitive and image-based approaches.  There is generally no discussion of specific problems in a session; rather the focus is on the here and now, and what the child’s hands want to do.  
Sessions at the clay field are centered around touching and moving the clay.  Touch is the most fundamental human experience. The focus is on haptic perception, or, how we sense and perceive with our hands. The clay will mirror each move the child makes. Every time children reach out with a motor impulse, they will receive sensory feedback and strengthen their implicit sensorimotor base.  This is profoundly regulating for children and helps them repair developmental milestones that may have been missed earlier.